Sunday, September 9, 2007

Web 2.0

The title Web 2.0 could have a number of different meanings. Personally, I think that it means that it is the newer version of the internet. It has the latest technology and is in a sense, in the twenty-first century. It could have an enormous effect on someone that is about to enter the workforce because a possible employer could type your name in and find a variety of different information on you, no matter if it is true or false. It also has an affect on people in the workforce because anyone can now put information on the internet. If you are trying to do research for your company and get false information, your job could be put on the line. People used to be approved to be able to put things on the internet, whereas, now, anyone can put anything they want. We might have to rethink this because people are going to the internet for everything these days, and they should only be accessed to things that are credible. It is very frustrating when one is trying to do research and you have to constantly check whether the information is valid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reliability is such a huge issue when dealing with info on the web. Of course, as my boss on the grant I often talk about always reminds us, books have reliability issues too. I think you make a lot of good points in this discussion!